Why are headshots so important?
1. A professional headshot gives your audience an idea of who you are and what you look like.
In this very digital world of ours people want to know who they are working with.
Especially with the advent of AI Headshots, which are illustrations of what that software thinks you look like, people want to see the real you. Not a make-believe version of you.
They want to know that the person they may meet face-to-face will more than resemble the person they see in that headshot.
If you look like your headshot, your clients or customers are immediately going to feel like they are working with a trustworthy individual and/or company.
Trust is so important, in business. And in life.
2. Packaging!
Have you ever purchased one item over another, because the packaging simply looked better?
Maybe they used a higher quality paper, or the design felt more refined.
Maybe the wording was pithy and cute and it made you smile.
Whatever it was about it, even if both products were made exactly the same and from the same quality ingredients, you still chose one over the other because: Packaging.

If you’re trying to use a poorly lit selfie or a cheap AI headshot, your audience isn’t going to put much faith in the quality of work you’ll be offering them.
Packaging matters.

3. Using a professional high-quality headshot of yourself says that you care about your brand, that you care about your business, that you care about what you do, and, in turn, that you care about your audience.
It shows that you’ll invest your time and your hard earned money into creating a solid foundation for yourself. Which means, you’ll do that same for them – no matter the field you are in.
There are lots of avenues these days you can take to get a headshot: from student photographers to AI photo illustrations to the seasoned pro. But not all avenues will lead you to a successful end result.
When you are ready to take your business or passion seriously, I highly recommend investing in a professional that will help you create an image of yourself that shows the world that you mean business.
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