business brand photo at citizens hotel sacramento ca

Thoughts on Social Media

May 8, 2023

This is an image of a woman sitting at a table in front of a window journaling about her business

I was on the socials this morning but kept wanting to get off of it. It was all too much. Videos and faces screaming for attention.

But I sat still and attempted to look at it from a different perspective.
And here’s what I got:

One thing I feel

Is everyone is trying to sell me sell me sell me
But I get it, it’s how you keep that roof over your head so you have a safe place to shower and poop.

But the other thing I see,
if I step back from the noise of the hustle

I see creators creating
I see people throwing their all into passion projects and big juicy dreams.

I see people taking risks and never knowing if they’ll be rewarded but doing that damn thing anyway

I see people pushing themselves
I see people elevating
I see people thriving
I see hope and promise and desire and art

I see people telling us their story

If you stop and listen there are stories there
There are stories everywhere
They surround us and whisper to us while we sleep

These stories, awoken by the sun, are blowing into your world like the strong winds of a thunderstorm
Slamming open your windows and spreading papers and flower petals and dust bunnies skittering across your floor

I see life –
A life full of story

I see the stories of people’s passions of their desires of their wants
I see people sharing their stories to an open void hoping hoping hoping for someone,
anyone to say –

yes I get you

Even (hopefully) if that someone is themselves

They’re so damn important
You can’t fake a good life story
Embellish away but at it’s core it has got to be about the truth of you

Sing sing sing
Loud and often


And let me dog ear this page,
so that I can listen

Stories offer us all that thread of hope
Because if someone else has gone through it and made it out the other side
Maybe you can too
You can too



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